| Kamehameha This is the most famous, widely-used attack on Dragon Ball. This technique is an energy wave, which is mustered when the fighter places his hands together at the wrists, and chants the syllables. The Kamehameha is a powerful battering ram of continuous energy, which can be diverted by the fighter's arm gestures. Developed by Master Roshi, the Kamehameha is learned by Goku, Gohan, Krillin, and Goten. |
 | Destructo Disk (Kienzan) The Destructo Disk is a flat energy construction generated atop an open palm. Unlike most energy attacks, the Destructo Disk actually has a jagged edge, allowing it to cut through just about anything. This ki buzz saw is Krillin's signature move, but is also used by Juuhachigou (Eighteen). |
 | Special Beam Cannon (Makankosappo) Piccolo's signature attack. The Special Beam cannon is generated when Piccolo touches his fore and middle finger to his forehead. He then points outward, creating a beam of yellow energy accompanied by a spiraling beam that makes the entire attack look something like a drill. Piccolo first used this attack against Radditz, and he managed to kill both Radditz and Goku with it. |
 | Solar Flare (Taioken) This tactic was developed by Tien, and usually serves as a diversion. The fighter spreads his fingers near his eyes, and creates a blinding energy pulse that attacks everyone save the person firing it. |
 | Tri Beam (Kikoho) Tien's most powerful assault technique. He places his hands before his face, his fingers forming a triangle. He used this attack against Nappa and Cell Level 2. This attack is very powerful, however, it draws upon the life energy of the user. When Tien used this technique against Nappa, it killed him. |
 | Kaioken The Kaioken was taught to Goku by King Kai, and it is a method of temporarily compounding one's fighting power. Goku used this technique continuously against Vegeta and Frieza, allowing him to ascend to their relative power levels. Kaioken doubles the fighting strength, and Goku went as far as to use Kaioken X 20 against Frieza, multiplying his ki by a factor of 20. |
 | Spirit Bomb (Genki-Dama) An energy sphere created by drawing from the life energy of all living things in the area. Goku learned this technique from King Kai, and used it continuously as a last-resort attack against numerous foes. He mustered a Spirit Bomb from all life on Earth to use against Vegeta, and one drawing from all life in the Namek solar system when facing Frieza. Goku is the only one who actually collects the energy, but anyone pure-hearted can actually fire or redirect the attack. |
 | Gallic Gun (Garlic Gun) This is Vegeta's signature attack for the Saiyan Saga. This is another flowing wave of energy, and looks very similar to the Kamehameha. |
 | Masenko Gohan's signature attack, developed during his one-year training with Piccolo in the Saiyan Saga. Gohan places his hands forward, palms open and slightly overlapping, and a ki sphere generates right in front of his palm. I've also seen the Masenko fired as a continuous wave (like the Kamehameha). Piccolo has also used this attack once or twice, but Gohan uses it far less as he grows older, favoring the Kamehameha. |
 | Burning Attack Future Trunks' favored attack. This ki strike is recognized by the swift hand-movements Trunks performs before touching his hands together, palms out, touching at the index fingers and thumbs. This is the attack he distracted Frieza with before slicing and dicing him. |
 | Big Bang This is Vegeta's finishing move, developed during the preparation years before the appearance of the Androids. Vegeta holds his hand out, palm facing the enemy, fingers close together, thumb folded into palm. A huge, concussive energy wave generates, obliterating the enemy. Vegeta used this to destroy Android Nineteen, and again to distract Perfect Cell. |
 | Insta-Transmission (Shunken-Ido) A teleportation technique taught to Goku by the Yardratseijin during his travels post-Frieza en route to Earth. Goku places to fingers to his forehead, focusing his mind on a specific ki (i.e., the ki of Gohan). Then he (and anyone he is touching at the time) vanishes, reappearing where the person whose ki he targetted happens ot be. Goku and Perfect Cell use this technique (although King Kai claims he knows it as well). Goku was able to teleport as far as New Namek, and can even teleport from Earth to King Kai's planet. |
 | Makosen Piccolo's streaming energy attack. Apparently, it's less of a precision attack than the Special Beam Cannon, and more of an overpowering ki wave similar to the Kamehameha. Piccolo uses this against Juuanagou (Seventeen). |
 | Scattershot Piccolo's technique, used against Juuanagou. Piccolo fires several dozen smaller ki blasts, that remain hanging in the air around his opponent. He then commands all the spheres to gather around the enemy, exploding all at once. |
 | Final Flash Highly dangerous, very powerful ki wave developed by Vegeta while he and Trunks trained in the Room of Spirit and Time. Vegeta places his hands together, focusing energy through them to create a broad-band attack. He used this attack against Perfect Cell, pulverizing his abdomen. |